glass ceiling

Basement Underpinning


Basement Underpinning?

Basement underpinning is a process of strengthening the foundation of a building to support the weight of an addition, such as a basement or lower level extension. In Ontario, a permit is typically required for basement underpinning projects. The process for obtaining a permit for basement underpinning typically involves the following steps:

  1. Pre-application meeting: Schedule a pre-application meeting with your local building department to discuss your plans and to get an understanding of the requirements, regulations, and fees associated with your project.

  2. Submit plans: Submit detailed plans for the underpinning project to the building department. These plans should include drawings of the existing structure, a site plan, and any other required documentation, such as a structural analysis or geotechnical report.

  3. Review and approval: The building department will review your plans to ensure that they comply with all relevant building codes and regulations. If there are any issues, the building department may require revisions or additional information before approving the plans.

  4. Obtain permit: Once your plans have been approved, you can obtain a permit from the building department. This permit will allow you to start the underpinning process.

  5. Inspections: During the underpinning process, the building department will conduct several inspections to ensure that the work is being done in compliance with the approved plans and building codes.

  6. Final inspection: Upon completion of the underpinning, a final inspection will be conducted to ensure that the work meets all relevant building codes and regulations.

It is important to work with a qualified contractor and to follow all local building codes and regulations when undertaking a basement underpinning project. Failing to obtain the necessary permits or failing to follow the building codes can result in costly fines, delays, and the need to redo the work.